
Starship Bases

Sci-fi bases for models include all sorts of things, and being a huge fan of the Aliens movies (yes, I even liked Alien 3 but not Alien 4!) I decided for my growing Tyranide Hive Fleet Eviscera horde I would custom-make space ship deck bases for all of my bug models. I’d scratchbuild a bunch of bases then cast them in resin so I could make as many as I want.

Here’s the first batch of 25mm bases, using a lot of diamond-plate styrene I had to order from the US. The clear-ish mesh bits are from the weaving area of a local craft store, the green ‘pipes’ are leftover sprue from a model tank. The white plastic is sheet styrene.  I made ten of these so of the 100 or so small Termagants I have you’ll see a nice variety spread out through the army. Continue reading

A few more bugs, anyone?

60 Termangants, just primed, based and painted this evening!

From front to rear:
10 with Fleshborers (to count for Termagants spawned during a battle)
29 with Spinefists
21 with Devourers (weapon of choice, the Spinefist-carrying ones are to differentiate between squads on the battlefield) Continue reading

Bug Hunt!

Just finished these guys (I’m waiting to finish & cast my ship desk bases I’ll be doing in the next few weeks)

Fairly happy with how they came together, although the carapaces are a bit lighter than what I wanted. It’s OK though, they will vary in exact hue and tone but overall I’m pretty happy with the color combination. Definitely going for the Aliens color of dark green and the flesh color came out nice. I could do highlights and more but in the end these guys will be shoveled off the table in droves so I wanted something that was quick and easy. The airbrushing took no time at all, the brushwork (carapace and then the flesh wash) took about 2.5 minutes per model. I could drybrush highlights but meh. I’ll put more work into the big models though! Continue reading